Monday 29 April 2013

Allow Me...

Okay...this is my lame effort at joining the practically aimed at hoping I'll be able to tell Lil Fizo* with all paternal conviction similar to the 'I always came first in class' my father told me. So that he/she does not ask, 'daddy but you always told us you were cool and tech savvy, how come all our family friends once ran a blog and you never did?'...I'm avoiding that! that 2020 afternoon in the park have been avoided...
I am also doing this with a sense of guilt and a timid frustration at my own weakness...I am supposed to be writing my literature review..but guess that's what blogs are for..a chance to un-entangle that 3D ramblings of beautiful avenue to critique acclaimed pieces and policies...and also a place to unwind an relax...but who am i to know...or better still who am I not all depends on how the answer is framed...that by the way was an educated guess...Kaboom!...